STARSHIP CAPTAIN ran from August 2009 to December 2011, and chronicled the adventures of Captain William Star and the crew of the Galactic Survey Ship Eagle. Chronologically, this intro story takes place after the Demon Wars, which raged across the quadrant and threatened to end Humanity until the Friendship of Worlds finally united to defeat the H'lspau. Woo hoo!
The comic was intended as an unashamed homage to original Trek, although nowhere near as good.
Starship Captain also appeared in limited form on Comic Fury an excellent (and free) webcomics hosting site.
The adventures of Captain Star and his crew continue in the imaginatively titled Starship Captain II
While I am a long-time Trek fan, these stories are not Trek fanfic.
All characters, settings and events in this series are original.
The Starship Captain stories are based on the webcomics of the same title.
Characters and locations designed in Google SketchUp
.jpg snapshots taken using Screenhunter 5
Dialogue and backgrounds added using Paint.NET
with additional effects plug-ins from admin & members at Paint.NET forum
Fonts by Blambot.com
HTML hand-knitted by me, so you know who to blame.
The obligatory Copyright © 2009-2012 by Derek Paterson notice. |