Crowbar: A Sci-Fi Adventure - robots, cyborgs, space pirates, aliens!
Crowbar: A Sci-Fi Adventure - robots, cyborgs, space pirates, aliens!

Space Pirates of the Black Quarter - Sci-Fi adventure out Jupiter way.
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter - Sci-Fi adventure out Jupiter way.

Starship Captain III webcomic by Derek Paterson
An unashamed homage to original Trek, although nowhere near as good.
Sequel to Starship Captain and Starship Captain II adventures.

BUNS OF STEEL - Mean City's new hero fights super villains and super crazies as he attempts to establish himself, while maintaining a secret identity.
BUNS OF STEEL - Mean City's new hero fights super villains and super crazies as he attempts to establish himself, while maintaining a secret identity.

A secret organization wages war against advanced robots who can take on human form. Top agent Captain Gold leads the fight against the cunning machines.
A secret organization wages war against advanced robots who can take on human form. Top agent Captain Gold leads the fight against the cunning machines.

Also available on ComicFury RSS feed on Comic Fury and The Duck if you prefer to read pages. Depends on your device.

Latest update: Tue 16 Jul 2024

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A Blockhead Production

The obligatory Copyright © 2021-2024 by Derek Paterson notice.
Models created using SketchUp
Dialogue, balloons, effects via Paint.NET
Fonts by
HTML hand-coded by me, so you know who to blame.
A Blockhead production!

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