Space Pirates of the Black Quarter
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter - Sci-Fi Adventure Out Jupiter Way

Starship Captain III - the further adventures of Captain William Star and the crew of the Galactic Survey Ship Eagle
Starship Captain III - the further adventures of Captain William Star and the crew of the Galactic Survey Ship Eagle

BUNS OF STEEL - Mean City's new hero, Generic Superhero Guy (all the other hero names have been taken or registered) fights super villains and super crazies as he attempts to establish himself, while maintaining a secret identity.
BUNS OF STEEL - Mean City's new hero, Generic Superhero Guy (all the other hero names have been taken or registered) fights super villains and super crazies as he attempts to establish himself, while maintaining a secret identity.

Secret Agent: British Intelligence II - Thrash is back - the spy they couldn't kill!
Secret Agent: British Intelligence II - Thrash is back - the spy they couldn't kill!

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  Latest update: Thu 18 Jul 2024

Where we've got to:  Space pirate Cap'n Gorgo has parked his gunboat in the spookily empty freightliner's airlock and tip-toed his way inside, not sure what he's going to find... but the hedgehog men, huge predators with a hunger for human flesh, found him!  He was about to be consumed but a swift-moving figure grabbed him and took him to safety in a nearby part of the ship....

Comic page index The story so far, etc. Start here - first page Previous update Latest page

Comic page index The story so far, etc. Start here - first page Previous update Latest page

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